I am delighted to be able to introduce my new book…

Its purpose… is to help leaders and their teams make sense of the multitude of choices and decisions that face them in these turbulent times. It will help in getting the sequencing of decisions aligned and to understand how the organisation is ‘genetically’ predisposed towards success or failure. The good news is that the latter can be rewired.
For many it feels like this….
The architecture, described by Henley Business School as ‘unique’, helps leaders and managers make sense of this ever shifting picture.
It has taken four years to design and test the core material. Our customer’s appreciate the simplicity and practical ease of use, without loosing the sophistication. It helps them immediately figure out what should be happening, when and in what sequence.
Context. We are being hit by at least 4 major and history defining ‘tsunami’s’ that are currently rearranging our world.

How we all respond to these changes is probably the question for our generation.
For 20 years, Teleios has been brought into organisations to bring hope and practical help to change programmes that had gone wobbly, or breath life into ones that had run out of energy. We have been asked to help retrofit solutions where the decision making sequence was out of alignment and we have had to bring failing programmes back on course.
In nearly every case… the issues being experienced… were preventable… if the right things, were done, by the right people, at the right time and in the right sequence.
Therefore a Question…
‘Why do many leaders, despite being equipped with significant change management processes and tools… fail to achieve the full strategic advantage that should be delivered by a change?’
Some use the excuse of hindsight to explain the lack of foresight.
To many it just looks like…

Emerging data suggests that the success rate of change programmes (20%, IBM and Atticus) has not improved over 30 years despite the change industry being worth now 1.3 $Billion. For so much investment we should be seeing better outcomes.
‘Ensuring Change Delivers Success’… introduces a unique through life and systemic architecture that is enabled by at least 6 predisposing elements (referred to as the ‘Change DNA’)
We assert that by completing much of the upstream work intentionally and with care, many downstream issues are avoided. In our trials of the architecture this is our customers experience and it has saved much unnecessary hardship. It is also why the likes of Henley Business School are using it on Masters Programmes and Post Graduate Research.
So whether you are facing, or are already in the grip of, a storm, or fog, or weird conditions the like of which you have never experienced before…
Ensuring Change Delivers Success will help you figure out what needs doing, when, in what sequence and by whom.
It is available at https://teleiosconsulting.com/publications/