Our Online Courses

Online programmes for these critical times

These are rapid, high impact, affordable online engagements that will quickly impart the understanding, skills and tools needed to successfully navigate through these extraordinary times.

They are for Leaders, Managers and change teams and are typically made up of four modules, each two hours long.

Navigational Principles, Tools and Approaches from Foundation through to Mastery

Navigating Change

Practical training on how to find and steer a successful course through ‘unfamiliar and uncharted waters’. This is based on our book Navigating Change. A Leader's Guide. The author, a former Sea Captain and senior corporate leader in the IT sector, shows how to use with depth and breadth the 3 principles of navigation. This will save time, pain and money.

The Teleios Change Process & Architecture

This practical overview ensures that the right things get done at the right time in the right sequence. Most confuse a ‘change architecture’ with an implementation plan. Most issues and costs are created long before implementation and the good news is that this can largely be fixed. We will show you how.

Designing a new ecosystem of effort

Shift in collaboration for people, process & tech,.. How to combine Digital shifts with process change and transformation of peoples contribution. This is delivered with one of our technical partners and will train leaders and the change team/ PMO in how to build a real systems approach to change.

Energising the stakeholder community

This work originally designed and delivered for Cranfield Business School has been updated to cover a more diverse and geographically dispersed stakeholder community. It is practical training and will help you build intelligent campaigns of influence.

Diagnostic tools that will help you prepare for successful change

This is based on what Henley Business School regard as a fresh and unique through life architecture. We can conduct this work for you or train you to use our toolkit.

Diversity and Transformation

Leading a Dispersed and Diverse organisations through change.

This work that we started in the 1990s with the likes of Hewlett Packard has been brought to the fore by the Pandemic. The rewards for employees and the business are substantive and the traps are very real. This can be delivered as training or as a masterclass

Women in Leadership

We offer a range of services to support women to develop themselves and their careers, including our online event on helping women work on their career, rather than simply be in it. The approach introduces a range of practical tools and creative techniques to help you clarify your career goals. Developed in conjunction with REMA consulting, who work across a range of businesses and successfully prepare women for senior and board level positions.

Style Preferences and Change

Learn how people’s different engagement styles react to change and discover how to best help each style mix avoid getting stuck and remain agile contributing to the overall effort. This will start with some personal diagnostic work followed by application

Supporting People through Change


This training will show you how to practically implement the 5 ways to well being which are so critical for these demanding times. Leaders and employees alike who run out of steam will create drag for any change and this has all kinds of consequences. This is why creating practices and a culture of well being is just so critical. We will show you how to do it.

Effective people support plans and policies for change programmes

Change is one of the top causes of work-related stress. Yet few change management policies minimise the risk and detrimental impact to employee wellbeing. Learn how to use predictive analytics to model and create targeted people support plans that do this well.

To support you further and maximise the impact of these rapid impact engagements, we can design with you more complete solutions to navigate the change you’re facing.

Schedule a call to discuss these in more detail and to ensure that we tailor them to maximise the impact and benefit for you.

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