Our Team
It is our team and their experience that makes a difference to the change and transformation projects we are involved with.
Each of us has had successful careers in a wide variety of leadership roles. We now choose to work together knowing our combined strength is greater than if we operated alone.
All in Teleios are pragmatists who have operated at the sharp end of organisations and in the messy world of mixed political motivation. We are being hired to make a difference and this is the fire we each carry. From this experience too, we write and publish books and articles, we join the academic debate helping some of our best business schools translate stunning research into usable insights and approaches.

Chris Lever
Chris has had an eclectic career. He is a qualified and experienced passenger ferry captain. He has also worked as a senior manager in one of the world’s largest technology corporations helping them to reposition their business. He is a founding Director of Teleios and works internationally across a range of sectors. His focus is on preparing leaders and their teams for change, equipping them to read and respond to the ever shifting conditions. He is a published author and works with various Business Schools.

Richard Stone
Rich is a founding Director of Teleios and has worked internationally with clients from IT, Engineering, Insurance and the Legal Sector. He has extensive experience working with transformation programmes in local and central government. His most recent work has involved creating a performance management process that has both depth and ease of use that has won critical acclaim amongst the academic staff of a leading university.

Fiona Spillane
Fiona is a highly experienced Senior Manager within sectors ranging from one of the worlds largest IT companies through to Pharmaceutical and then Local Government. She has a level 7 coaching qualification from UWE, Bristol Business School. One of her more recent pieces of work was to design, manage accreditation and delivery of an ILM L7 Senior Leaders' programme for First Responders across London. This innovative programme won high acclaim for "making a real difference to the strength of our leadership" along with its "practicality and quality of content and facilitation" helping to develop change capability across strategic leader roles.

Keezia Obi
Keezia is an experienced senior leader who has had a successful career leading and managing significant change within the public sector, including local government, the voluntary sector and with the NHS. She has held roles in front line operational services and at senior management level (including Transformation), focusing on helping people to understand the critical components of successful change such as leadership, culture and direction. Keezia is also a founder member of a local authority Women in Leadership Board.

Pete Hay
Pete has 30 years of experience in IT helping organisations accelerate growth, reduce costs and deliver better customer experiences. By equipping them to lead Digital Transformation projects they are able to implement smarter ways of working and deliver better results with less effort. He brings this to his work with organisations and schools to help children and young people have the best possible start in life, supported by the whole community to succeed.

Sue Lever
Sue is a Director of Teleios and the manager for the group. Her fluster free and practical approach to all work brings calmness to the team and customers alike. She is a former Senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist working with children with learning challenges supporting their families as part of a systemic approach. Sue was part of multidisciplinary team for the NHS. Her interest in development continues into her new role as the Teleios manager.