Publications and white papers
Our expertise and experience is always available. You are welcome to leave your contact info and we will be in touch shortly.
As part of our commitment to lead the thinking on change we regularly publish our thoughts via this website, social media and through the normal channels of book sales.
Navigating Change.
A Leader's Guide.
The WEF are calling for leaders to be able to navigate in uncharted waters. To do this leaders must first of all be able to navigate and there is strong evidence that this capability is not well developed currently.
This book, written by a former Captain and business leader illuminates the language of navigation that is commonly used in business and shows how to apply the three underpinning principles.
It is uncompromising in challenging common practice but filled with hope that things can be so different.

Ensuring Change Delivers Success.
An End To End View Of The Process.
New updated version now available.
Many project and programme plans focus on just the delivery phase of change initiatives. However the truth is that the real work that shapes success and failure is done much earlier.
This book offers therefore a unique end to end view of all the phases related to change and the critical activities that makeup each phase. The book in addition looks at the DNA or characteristics that are present in all successful programmes.
Friends On The Road.
Stories of the journey - equipping for the future
Behind the life of the author Chris Lever (one of the leading transformational consultants in the UK), lies a patchwork of stories. Each individual square in the patchwork yields different insights and each individual story illuminates a view of success that once seen, has an irrepressible, irreversible impact.
Read this book to be engaged by a lifetime of stories; to get a glimpse of a different type of success; to be changed.
Or just read it anyway for the joy of friendship and the life-changing, life-shaping impact that friendship brings.
Friends on the Road is a story about us.

Free white papers to download
Navigating Change Summary
Navigating Change: A Leader’s Guide is an 86 page book. This summary provides you with a concise 4 page overview of the contents.
The Teleios Approach to Change Summary
We are often asked ‘what is the Teleios approach to supporting Leaders and managers through change which is so complex?’. This summary provides you with the answer.
Is it true that 70% of Change Initiatives Fail?
This paper brings a message of hope revealing how 20% of organisations do make a success of change.